February 5, 2020

With tragic environmental disasters rife at the start of 2020, it is now more meaningful than ever to travel with a conscience to preserve the planet. With this in mind, experts at Jacada Travel have compiled their top suggestions for impactful trips that will amount to so much more than just a memorable holiday. From reforestation initiatives in the jungles of Costa Rica to helping with animal conservation in Tanzania, this list is set to inspire travel with purpose in some of the world’s most stunning destinations.

With tragic environmental disasters rife at the start of 2020, it is now more meaningful than ever to travel with a conscience to preserve the planet. With this in mind, experts at Jacada Travel have compiled their top suggestions for impactful trips that will amount to so much more than just a memorable holiday. From reforestation initiatives in the jungles of Costa Rica to helping with animal conservation in Tanzania, this list is set to inspire travel with purpose in some of the world’s most stunning destinations.

Costa Rica

One of the global leaders in sustainability, Costa Rica generates 98% of its electricity from renewable sources and has a third of its territory protected, making it well on its way to becoming the first carbon-neutral country. Though the cultural sites in the capital, San Jose, are a sight to see, the country is best known for its pristine beaches, rugged mountain ranges and volcanoes, lush rainforests and impressive biodiversity. Jacada Travel can tailor a Community And Conservationfocused itinerary to Costa Rica to focus on an area of interest to the traveller – be it reforestation, learning about animal conservation or supporting local communities. Accommodation will be in lodges that are pioneers in sustainable practice like El Silencio, which offers sustainable programs aimed at preserving the vital natural resources of the surrounding cloud forest, and Lapa Rios, which protects some 1,000 acres of vitally important lowland tropical rainforest. Not only do these lodges protect the ecosystems they are in, but through the continued support of international visitors, they are able to feed that assistance into the local communities.

One of the projects in Costa Rica that Jacada partners with is Kids Saving the Rainforest (KSTR) which works to protect injured and at-risk wildlife in Manuel Antonio National Park. For every trip booked to Costa Rica, Jacada Travel donates a portion of the profits to KSTR to further enforce the positive impact of travel on not just local conservation efforts, but the community as well.

South Africa

South Africa has been a popular destination for tourists for some time thanks to the awe-inspiring wildlife, world class wineries and incredible landscapes. Jacada Travel now offers a trip with a difference to the beautiful country, which will guarantee a positive impact on both conservation efforts and the local community. Travel specialists at Jacada work with two organisations in the region: Rhinos Without Borders, which focuses on moving endangered rhinos away from areas known as poaching hotspots in the country to safer environs in Botswana, and on a community level, with Uthando (Love) South Africa, which raises funds for community development projects. They also take great care in selecting the lodges and conservancies with whom they work, making sure they share their ethos of giving back. Grootbos Nature reserve and Tswalu are two such properties, which donate proceeds of every stay to the conservation of the stunning ecosystem, natural environment and local community.

Tanzania and Kenya

Travelling to Tanzania and Kenya not only gives you the opportunity to have captivating wildlife encounters, see epic landscapes and maybe even The Great Migration, but also – when properly planned – ensures the money you spend goes a long way in helping local conservation efforts, anti-poaching and community projects. Jacada Travel’s Africa experts can create journeys to witness some of the most incredible wildlife spectacles on the planet, while giving back. Luxury boutique ecolodge, Campi ya Kanzi in Kenya, offers the ultimate safari experience in the Maasai wilderness where guests can have an authentic connection to the Maasai people. All stays go towards the employment of Rangers to protect and patrol the ecosystem, employment of young Maasai Warriors to protect the lion population as well as education and community support initiatives. The camp also boasts a dedicated human-wildlife conflict team as well as a programme designed to uplift women and girls. Across the border in Tanzania, Chem Chem Conservancy offers the opportunity to spend time interacting with local communities to learn about their culture, while also learning about the organisation’s devotion to promoting education and social development in the area.